(Hong Kong) Hing Wah Seafood Restaurant ★★★

2號 Yan Oi St, San Po Kong, Hong Kong


2023-09-30 SAT

After hunting durian pudding in Tsim Sha Tsui, we came back to Karen's and got ready for private and party.

On the bus to the party area, we found a group of women hanging out under a bridge. I've heard that Karen's helper is taking a leave during the weekend and saw many foreign women leaving the Mid-level area. I thought that they're all going back to visit their families but it turned out that it's not efficient for them to spend the flight/train ticekts.

The party will be in the northern part where is the opposite of where we were, so we had to transfer to another bus line.

Going in to the cross-harbour tunnel.

I think we arrived in the where area where we were supposed to meet Andy for a private but I'm not sure what these people are here for.

The gym was very clean and well-organized, not like how it looks from outside.

After the private, we had dinner together before party. Andy generously took the bill and I promised I'd the same when they visit Seoul next time.

I didn't have much time for taking pictures due to conversation.

back to Hong Kong (2023)


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[역삼] 창고43 강남점 ★★★★

[방배] 실내포차(방배버들골이야기) ★★★★

(장충) 아시아 ★★★★★