Dusit Gourmet - Baan Dusit Thani ★★★

116-1 Sala Daeng Rd, Silom, Bang Rak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand
7 AM–10 PM

An air-conditioned modern cafe. Iced Coffee 120.

2022-11-18 FRI

We had delicious brunch in the Sala Daeng Market, but we needed a coffee break in a air-conditioned room to cool down the heat. There is a modern cafe near the market, probably belong to a small resort.

Wakey Wakey 150 Iced Coffee 120

back to Bangkok (2022)


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

[역삼] 창고43 강남점 ★★★★

[방배] 실내포차(방배버들골이야기) ★★★★

(장충) 아시아 ★★★★★