(Macau) Ruins of St. Paul's ★★★★

地下B座, Edificio Cheong Van, 46號 R. da Tercena, Macao

Too crowded but still worth to visit. Better view at night but more crowded.


2023-09-29 FRI

The only major destination of my plan in Macau is the Ruins of Paul's, so we headed there after lunch. The bus costed only 6 MOP = 0.75 USD. It was impressive that everyone give their seats to the elderly as if they always do so.

This small alley reminds me of ones in traditional European town.

The road and yellow walls also give Lisboa vibe.

The way to the cathedral.

photo zone.

There is a museum inside the wall.

People on the front stairway.

It's quite hard to take a nice pick because of tons of tourists.

It's actually cool but hard to enjoy in a relaxed way, so we didn't stay long.

After dinner, we came back for night view.

Still crowded.

It seemed more crowded than daytime, probably because it was Friday night.

There was even a TV show filming.

Time to back to Hong Kong.

Casinos on the way back to the ferry terminal.

We promised to be back to win some money.


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[역삼] 창고43 강남점 ★★★★

[방배] 실내포차(방배버들골이야기) ★★★★

(장충) 아시아 ★★★★★