Kuta, Badung Regency, Bali, Indonesia 2013-02-28 THU The taxi took 60K from the aiport to the Bemo Corner, and I added 20K tips for carrying 2 bags, which is probably how you pay taxi here as far as I learned. 공항에 도착하면 벌떼처럼 달려드는 택시 기사들을 뿌리치고 우향앞으로가 50m 앞에쯤 위치한 booth에서 행선지를 말하고 택시 티켓을 구매한다. 숙소는 Poppies1에 있지만, 택시가 잘 안들어간다고 하니 Bemo Corner까지만 60,000 IRP. 티켓을 끊으면 또다시 가방옮기미보이(?)들이 달려드는데 10,000IRP 절약하려면 가방을 사수하자. We booked a triple room, 304 on the 3rd floor in the Masa Inn for 2 nights, 400K for each night. Bada knows this place so well that he even knew that the room 302 and 303 are connected and good for a group of guests. The hotel staff insisted to carry one of our bags, so I paid him 10K. Enjoying the sunset. 발리 한가운데서 만났지만 마치 동네 어귀에서 마주친 듯 시크한 두 분.