Vietnam travel information

Flight Low-cost airelines such as Viet Jet sell cheap tickets but, can cancel them without no reason, that'll eventually cost you more. Foreign Exchange Prepare USD. Exchanging USD with VND in Vietnam is better than KRW with VND in Korea It is said that $100 bill has better rate but didn't seem so in 2023. Where in Vietnam Offices in the town is the best. Hotel is not that bad. You don't need cash when taking Grab in the airport. cases (VND for 100 USD) 2023 rates: 2,420,000 offices: 2,380,000 VND hotel: 2,250,000 shop: 2,000,400 Transportation Grab Kakao is also available Motorbike Make sure to be confident with driving and wear long-sleeves Not much cheaper than Grab if you don't keep moving around.

(Phu Quoc) DHD Seafood restaurant ★★★★★

116 Đường Bạch Đằng, Khu 1, Phú Quốc, Kiên Giang, Vietnam   various seafood with reasonable price and night market atmosphere. Other restaurants nearby have terrivle reviews, so make sure to check. 2023-11-26 SUN If we didn't come back because of the rush hour, we could've missed this place! There are a few restaurants that seem similar but I just found out that the reviews are totally different. Luckily we found the right one, otherwise we could end up in a place like They have menu but it's hard to match which is which, if you don't know seafood names in Vietnames or English. But it's very easy to order since they have clear labes with price and quantity. You just point them let them know how many you want. These giant pen shells are only $1 for each. Do the math to guess how cheap this oyster egg! Fried razor shell was definitely my favorite! I can drink a few bottles of soju with this one plate. Sea urchin is cooked wit

(Phu Quoc) Miss Tien Spa ★★★★

100 Đường Bạch Đằng, Khu phố 2, Phú Quốc, Kiên Giang 920000, Vietnam   I liked it and if I visit the night market again, I'll definitely come back here too. 2023-11-26 SUN I tried to ride motorbike back to the hotel before it's too dark for safety, but it seemed even more dangerous because of rushhour. So we parked near the riverside and went back to the night market for dinner. People were doing something like Taichi. The atmosphere is quite different from Ong Lang, and somehow it even kind of felt like Hong Kong. Massage before dinner. She carefully checked each shope based on her standard including if they have old ladies. I liked it and if I visit the night market again, I'll definitely come back here too. back to Phu Quoc (2023)

(정자) 라멘모토 ★★★★

경기 성남시 분당구 정자일로 220 동양파라곤 상가동 118호 은근 중독성 있는 츠케멘을 먹을 수 있는 곳. 츠케멘M11 2022-05-31  (정자) 라멘모토 ★★★★★  츠케멘M10 2024-02-15 THU 야근 기념 혼밥. 오늘은 가볍게 9시까지 야근이니까, 가볍게(?) 츠케멘 먹으로 라멘모토에 왔다.  자리가 있는지 슬쩍 보고 입구의 키오스크에서 주문하고 들어가는 시스템. 1년반 전 대비 1천원 인상이면 양호하다.  테이블 3~4개, 바 6~7석 정도.  반오픈(?) 주방 라면 맛있게 먹는 법 읽어두면 은근 유용하다.  아사히 6.0 비싸지만 라멘에 맥주 놓칠 수 없지.  츠케멘M 11.0 재료비 관점에서 라멘 중에서도 가성비 안나오는 편이지만 왠지 자꾸 땡기는 츠케멘. 2024-02-20 TUE 새우라멘 12.0 일주일도 안되어서 다시 야근 기념. 라멘모토, 코이라멘, 라멘모토, 6일 동안 라멘 3번 먹음. 새우라멘 처음 먹어 봤는데 별거 아닌 것 같은데 새우튀김이 올라가니 밸런스가 좋다. 정자 목록으로

(Phu Quoc) Phu Quoc Night Market ★★★★★

54 Đường Nguyễn Trãi, Khu 1, Phú Quốc, Kiên Giang, Vietnam   Must visit if you like Aisan night markets. Shop, get massage, and enjoy cheap seafood. 2023-11-26 SUN We love Asian night markets, so actually the reason we took a long morotrbike trip was to visit here. There are few places named similar on Google Map, but they're kind of connected to each other, so it doesn't matter where you start. There are many spots you can park your motorbikes, but I just used a paid parking lot just to be sure. It's a little early for now but will get crowded soon. They 're selling the same peanut I've bouht at the King Kong Mart . The prices are not different much. It is a little annoying that the staff keep asking to try peanuts whenever we passed by, which were a dozen times, but I felt ok since they're all sming and nice. I've seen this restaurnat on the Google Map but the price was ridiculously high, considering how cheap and delicious the street food is around here.

(Phu Quoc) King Kong Mart ★★★

141A Đường Trần Hưng Đạo, Dương Tơ, Phú Quốc, Kiên Giang, Vietnam   You can stop by to look around, but run away before bumping into too many Koreans. 2024-11-26 SUN Basically I don't understnad people, especially Koreans wasting their precious time of the trip to buy stuff that they can buy from where they came. They think they save money but obviously don't think about the travel and opportunity cost. However, I still stopped by this famous King Kong Mart to see what it's all about and mainly because she wanted. Thnak you for safe trip with my stupidly uncovered skin. The fmaous peanut can be purchased in the night market. I'm not sure what the brand means seeing how the merchanidse put labels on the cans before handing it to me. back to Phu Quoc (2023)