(Lisbon) Mercado da Ribeira (Timeout Market) ★★★★

Av. 24 de Julho 49, 1200-479 Lisboa, Portugal


A food court with various choices including wine. Cash-free, credit card only.

2022-09-09 FRI

I wanted to give her some time for shopping, so found this place called "Timeout Market", which turned out to be rather a food court.

The tram runs right in the middle of small and big street, so sitting in it itself is a good tourism. 

Some tables are really close to the lane. I wonder how many people injure from accidents.

Marquês Sá da Bandeira

A park next to the Timeout Market.

She seemed disappointed to find out that it is not a shopping mall, but we also enjoy food, so not a bad destination anyway.

Interesting part is that it is cash-free here, so credit card is only way to pay. There are so various options of food that you need to take some time to research before order.

The prices are between 3~5 EUR, so it's not as cheap as real markets.

You can see a large collection of wines.

Praça de São Paulo

back to Lisbon (2022)


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

[역삼] 창고43 강남점 ★★★★

[방배] 실내포차(방배버들골이야기) ★★★★

(장충) 아시아 ★★★★★