(Hong Kong) Honeymoon Dessert ★★★★

G/F, Western Market, 323 Des Voeux Rd Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong


well-franchised dessert restaurant. If you love durians, this is where you can find one.

2023-09-28 THU

There are not many dessert restaurants near Central, and Honeymoon Dessert was one of only a few options. 

In a random cafe, while hunting for dessert restaurants.

To me, this main street crossing from west to east between Sheungwan and Wanchai, seems to have the most Hong-Kong-ly scenes with all the trams and buildings. 

Honeymoon Dessert is a franchise but still servers various dessert like the old styled ones.

I always go with the recommendations on the first visit.

durian ? 57

She loves durian. I told my HK friends that she's looking for durian puddings, and even the locals didn't get it.

Label Taro Ball 42

We have all these sweet desserts but why durian? why?!

I didn't realize when I entered building but it is located in a traditional building called Western Market. 

back to Hong Kong (2023)


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

[역삼] 창고43 강남점 ★★★★

[방배] 실내포차(방배버들골이야기) ★★★★

(장충) 아시아 ★★★★★