(Napoli) Chiesa del Gesù Nuovo ★★★★

Piazza del Gesù Nuovo, 2, 80134 Napoli NA, Italy 

  • Smaller than Duomo di Napoli, but still magnificent. Being located next to a small alley, a little tricky to the find the entrance

2024-09-17 TUE

It is not in an open plaza, but next to small alley, so a little tricky to find the entrance.

Smaller than Duomo di Napoli, but still magnificent.

This collection of small sculptures is similar to Budhist temples.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

[을지로3가] 곤지암할매소머리국밥 을지로3가점 ★★★

[양재시민의숲] 박실장 떡볶이 ★★

(세화) 청파식당횟집 ★★★★★