(Napoli) Mennella Il Gelato ★★★★★

Via Toledo, 110, 80134 Napoli NA, Italy 

  • The best milk gelato. Many branches across whole Napoli. A little too sweet for us, but everything else was perfect.

2024-09-17 TUE

Found her favorite gelato.

Now we begin walking down South along the Via Toledo.

She' a kind of person who gives zero attention on anything she's not interested in. She loves all dairy products, and saw the sign of cow here.

Even the price is reasonable compared to the average gelato in Italy.

It was a bit sweeter than her taste, but everything else was just perfect, she said.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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(세화) 청파식당횟집 ★★★★★