(Rabat) Fior di Latte ★★★★★

21, Villegaignon Street, Mdina MDN 1150, Malta

  • The best icecream in Malta 

2024-09-09 MON

The best icecream in Malta. 

St. Paul's Cathedral

She preferred to walk than tea house.

We've just met this ice cream shop in the perfect corner of Mdina, with the perfect timeing for break. 

The best ice cream during this travel, even including Italy. I've watched a Youtube video of a couple traveling in Italy and they were crazy about Pistachio Gelato. Now I understand and stuck to it for the rest of days. Gelato? Pistachio!


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

(학동) 통영다찌 ★★★★

(세화) 청파식당횟집 ★★★★★

[양재시민의숲] 박실장 떡볶이 ★★