(Vilnius) Galo do Porto ★★★

Aušros Vartų g. 11, 01304 Vilnius, Lithuania
Tuesday ~ Sunday 12–10:30 PM
Monday Open 24 hours

Portuguese restaurant near the Gate of Dawn. Food is ok but a little over-priced, which is also reasonable considering sea is far.

2023-05-14 SUN

Today's first mission was to find a seafood restaurant according to her appetite. However there were not many ones in Vilnius, probably or obviously because the sea is far from here. So it was almost only one that I could find that time of the day.

Here it is.

It's near the famous Gates of Dawn.

The restaurant is quite spacious and has many tables with cozy atmosphere but we still preferred to sit outside. 

Mineral Water San Pllegrino 0.75l 4.0
Draught Beer Estella "Inedit Damm" Wheat 500ml 5.0

Cataplana de Mariscofor 1 person 25.0
prawnns / squids / octopus / cuttlefish / mussels / clams / Lisbon sauce

Barriga de porco com ameijoas com Batatas a Murros 26.0
Glazed Pork Belly

The food was ok but couldn't find it special and a little over-priced, which may be, again obviously, natural considering sea is far from the city.

And here you are.

back to Vilnius (2023)


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

[역삼] 창고43 강남점 ★★★★

[방배] 실내포차(방배버들골이야기) ★★★★

(장충) 아시아 ★★★★★