(Vilnius) St. Anne's Church ★★★

Maironio g. 8, 01124 Vilnius, Lithuania
Monday ~ Friday 4:30–7 PM
Saturday 9 AM–3 PM
Sunday 9 AM–5 PM

You can stop by on the way to Uzupis.


2023-05-13 SAT

Walking down to the south from the Ducal Palace of the Upper Castle.

The map of the old town. 

It seems that no card are allowed on weekends in this street. 

St. Anne's Church

back to Vilnius (2023)


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

[역삼] 창고43 강남점 ★★★★

[방배] 실내포차(방배버들골이야기) ★★★★

(장충) 아시아 ★★★★★