(Bangkok) Wat Pho ★★★★★

2 Sanam Chai Rd, Phra Borom Maha Ratchawang, Phra Nakhon, Bangkok 10200, Thailand
8 AM–6 PM


Less known but the best sunset spot. Lots of cats. Recommended if you don't have time for the Grand Palace. Massage provided.

2022-11-18 FRI

The Grand Palace was closed, so we went to the Wat Pho.

What? Not Again!

2022-11-19 SAT

After recharged with lunch at the Krua Khun Kung, we went on th the Wat Pho, another place we failed to visit yesterday. 

A backstreet near the Grand Palace.

I tried to move to the Wat Pho through this underground road but it just connects to the other side.

It was cool though.

2 hours left. What a perfect timing. At this point my roaming service ended its 7 days contract. 

The entrance to the Wat Pho costs 200 THB for each.

It suddenly began to rain, so we just sat down here and watch the dance for a while. We didn't intend to enjoy the show but the movement was quite interesting.

It should be call "temple of cats". More cats coming soon.

There are many massage booths. It is said that all the massage therapists are trained here and that's why you can experience almost same skills wherever you go.

A cat on the tower.

Another cat.

Another cat on another tower.

The other cat.



And here we've seen the most beautiful sunset.


coconut 30

Time to say goodbye.

back to Bangkok (2022)


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(세화) 청파식당횟집 ★★★★★