라벨이 fortress인 게시물 표시

(Birgu) Fort St. Angelo

Waterfront, Birgu, Malta   2024-09-07 SAT We've arrinved in Three Citeis by  dghajsa . I couldn't find many attractions in this area so just headed to the Fort St. Agnelo right away.  We couldn't find the entrance, so we've just followed othere people, and encoutnered this place. What a spot to enjoy sunset! Going through a broken wall. Probably I forgot to take photos behind the wall because I was surprised. There was swimming spot and dozens people were enjoying the sunset. Again, always wear suimsuit in Malta. However, there was no entrance either so we just came back.  It turned out that there's the entrance before your reach the wall.  I thought that I could see some of the forts without admssion, but the whole areas was a museum, just like  Fort St Elmo . It seemd quite large and we didn't have much time left before the closing.  There was an interesting restaurant or bar under the wall of the fort. Probably the restaurant named Terrone . We'll b...

[Veliko Tarnovo] Tsarevets Fortress ★★★★★

Tsar Asen Square, 5000 Велико Търново, 불가리아 bulgariatravel.org 2019-10-02 WED 벨리코투르노보의 옛모습을 돌아보며 가벼운 하이킹 차레베츠 요새는 벨리코투르노보를 방문한다면 반드시 들러볼만한 곳을 부지가 꽤 넓고 길이 완만한 곳이 아니라 대략 반나절 정도는 할애하는게 좋다. 가파른 경사는 없어서 가벼운 하이킹 정도로 생각하면 되지만 돌바닥이나 계단이 많아서 반드시 편안한 신발이 필요하다. 날씨가 서늘하고 관광객이 적은 이른 아침이나 석양을 감상할 수 있는 저녁이 방문하기 좋은 시간이다. The must-do in Veliko Tarnovo We woke up a little early to take our project "We Lindy Hop the World" and look around Tsarevets Fortress. 관광객이 적은 틈을 타서 우리의 여행 프로젝트인 위린디합월드 촬영을 하고 차레베츠 성채를 둘러보기 위해 조금 일찍 일어났다. The left tall building is our hotel and obviously it has the best view to the fortress, especially our room on the top floor. 왼쪽의 높은 건물이 우리 호텔인데 보다시피 차레베츠 성채를 감상하기에 최적의 위치다. 특히 우리 방은 가장 높은 층이라 그 중 가장 전망이 좋다. 엘리베이터가 없어서 (아주 약간) 힘들긴 했지만. We took the video here at the entrance. The video will be released soon. 성채 입구에서 촬여했다. 영상은 커밍순. The operation hour often changes and it was a littler different from what I've found from the web, so you...