(Napoli) B&B San Gaetano Bed ★★★★

Piazza San Gaetano, 322, 80138 Napoli NA, Italy On a crowded street giving touristic mood. Fun to wach people on the balcony. Old building but clean and spacious room. Easy to contact the staff via WhatsApp. Penaly for late check-in. 2024-09-16 MON Our B&B in the center of Napoli. Boarding onto RyanAir from Catania to Napoli. They charge us €57.20 for each seat selection, so we just decided to sit separately. And they gave seats far apart that even have different exit gates. Well played, RyanAir. 20:00~21:10 CTA > NAP Ryanair FR4319 / €131.49 / Checked Bag (20kg) / 06E, 21D So we had to pay another 15 to B&B for late check-in. Well played, RyanAir. If we take a bus, we need to transfer to another bus and walk for 10 minutes. So we took a taxi, which takes 15 minutes. It was said to cost 20, but the driver requested 30. The gap was too big, so I asked the reason, but he didn't speak English but a few words, and suddenly began to yell. I just gave him what he wanted, and ...