라벨이 issue인 게시물 표시

Article by Tatiana

https://www.facebook.com/tatudry/posts/10212388325569674 ** Français à la suite ** Alexandre : " Know that I take responsibility for all that I write. I was the pen behind Tatiana's words for some time now, but I can not remain silent any longer. I write this message in my own name, I'm just using this page to post it. As Mr. Mino recently said, ''Facebook is not an appropriate place for this kind of subject'', however it is an effective medium to communicate with the masses. "Warning to all of you who like to bring up the words lawyers and defamation, all the facts that I list here are verifiable. I have in my possession, e-mails, sms, Whatsapp messages from the different protagonists involved. I'm only stating Facts that are known to all. Moreover, defamation is only valid if the statements made are false " I am forced to abandon my cherished anonymity faced with such hypocrisy and false empathy. The world is microscopic. For ...

Article by Brandi

https://www.facebook.com/brandi.ferrebee/posts/10207677927177507?pnref=story Content Note: Description of a sexual assault. Same time, same place as the last. Different survivor, same old assaulter. I'm sharing this anonymous account to make clear the pattern of abuse. . . . . . . . . . . . "On December 30th, 2014, Max Pitruzella sexually assaulted me at Lindy Focus. I am sharing this anonymously because my story is important in establishing a pattern in his behavior, but I also will not allow him to interrupt my life again. I was 20 years old. It was my second Lindy Focus, and while I was still too new to the dance community to know a lot of people, I was growing comfortable enough to talk to dancers that I didn’t know. I met Max in the hotel bar. I was sitting alone while my roommate played in the jam, finishing off a glass of wine that I bought with a fake ID. He approached me, and brought me a second glass of wine. We spoke for a while at the bar about teaching, a...

Article by William

https://www.facebook.com/william.mauvais/posts/10154029193646205?pnref=story.unseen-section Hey Folks, My Dad Mauvais Lionel knew how to find the right words about the situation of Max, being convinced by the message, I allowed myself to translate it and to inspire me because it expresses perfectly what I think�� "Hello, as a head of a dancing school, as an organizer responsible for events in France and in Canada, I should like to express a personal message to the swing community. I believe it is necessary to act regarding the current situation, all the more so because Max was hired as a professor in the school and at some events. I would like to say that, personally, I have never witnessed or heard of such reprehensible behavior from Max. I would have acted to report and prevent that kind of situation. Any of my associates, members or volunteers of my school or events cannot tolerate or endorse such dealings within the swing community or anywhere else. Myself and all my ...

Article by Thomas

https://www.facebook.com/thomasblacharz/posts/10154230456423321 To the Swing Community, (I’m sorry for my english) I’m terribly saddened by the situation and the unspeakable act revealed.  Ruth Evelyn , I support you. As being  Max ’s first teacher and a long time friend, I have been deeply seeking help to understand what happened and what I could have done better to not let this happen. To be truthful, I have always known that Max liked women and seduction, yet I never came to the conclusion that he was abusing women. I was more under the impression that he had a solid sex appeal. I must admit I suspected that Max behaved with a lot more respect in my presence. I would like to be clear that I never was his confidant in these situations. He has acted and made decisions, and he deserves the consequences of those actions. For my part, I definitely should have done better at calling him out on his questionable behavior, confronting him about rumors I had heard, and pus...

Article by Max

https://www.facebook.com/maxlindyhop/posts/10154778570260295 bonjour à tous , suite à des accusations à tord et non fondées sur moi même , j’ai gardé le silence jusqu’à aujourd’hui mais s’en est trop. Certes , je suis quelqu’un qui peut paraître matcho et je n’ai pas eu toujours la délicatesse pour m’adresser aux gens, mais aujourd'hui un groupe de personne veut me mettre hors de la scène mondiale du lindy, en utilisant des moyens très graves !!! Je ne peux plus accepter cela ! Mon avocat a prit en compte ces faux témoignages, et oui je vais porter plainte pour diffamation. Par le biais de ce message je tiens à informer tout le monde que mon avocat poursuivra pour mettre un terme aux agissements de ces personnes coupables de ces rumeurs pour actes infondés, Vous remarquerez que je nomme personne contrairement à ce qui a été fait a mon encontre . D’autres personnes ont été victimes récemment de ces rumeurs non fondées dans le seul but de les mettre hors jeu! Il est très triste et...