(Inchon) Matina Lounge ★★★★

07:00 - 22:00 daily

previous visit

2023-05-11 THU

Inchon airport lounges 

  • Sky Hub Lounge : Airside - East Wing. After Passport Control, on the 4th Floor. The lounge is located next to the Transit counter, opposite Gate 11.
  • Sky Hub Lounge : Airside - West Wing. After Passport Control, on the 4th Floor. The lounge is located next to the Transit counter, opposite Gate 42.
  • Matina : Airside - West Wing. After Passport Control, take the escalator opposite Gate 43 to the 4th Floor. Follow signs 'Transit Hotel' to where the lounge is located.
  • Asiana Business Lounge (일찍 닫음) : 07:00 - 20:00 daily. Airside - East Wing. After Passport Control, the lounge is located next to Gate 11. Asiana Airlines' lounge is only accessible when flying with Asiana Airlines and Star Alliance operated flights.

From our gate, Sky Hub and Matina was close, but there was a waiting line in the Sky Hub. There were also guests waiting in the Matina, but we could get in soon. The lounges are full of tourists and it seems that people are traveling more as covid-19 going down.

Mushroom was the best.

back to Vilnius (2023)


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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