(Vilnius) transport


2023-05-12 FRI

Airport > city

  • bus : 30m / €0.65
    • 1 EUR if buy ticket from the driver.
  • Uber (UT) : 20m / €8
  • taxi : 20m / €20

Electronic tickets

  • card (Vilniečio kortelė) : €1,5
  • 30 minute ticket : €0,65
  • 60 minute ticket €0,90
  • 1 day (24 hour) ticket : €5
  • 3 day (72 hour) ticket : €8 (< 30min x 13)
  • 10 day (240 hour) ticket €15
  • There is always an option to buy ticket from the driver of public vehicle for €1.

* Top up 3~5 30 minute tickets whenever necessary. Most tourist sites are close, so it is hard to take bus/metro 13 times for 3 days. 

Trafi (smartphone app)

  • Korean phone number not available ("Unfortunately we do not support phone numbers from your region at the moment.")

guides for transport

The Uber was more expensive than the blog, so we just took a bus.

The bus stop is on the right of the exit from from the airport. I failed to find the kiosk, so just bought tickets from the driver.

You can activate the e-ticket with the yellow terminal on the left. The right one is for punching paper tickets.

You can buy the transport card (Vilniečio kortelė0 in the stores like this. Mostly the staff speak English but this one is not in the center, so the lady didn't understand.

I showed her this Google translation result.

Vilniečio kortelė

2023-05-14 SUN

I prepared for a Lithuanian expression for top-up, but this time the staff of the store in the old town spoke English.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

[을지로3가] 곤지암할매소머리국밥 을지로3가점 ★★★

[양재시민의숲] 박실장 떡볶이 ★★

(세화) 청파식당횟집 ★★★★★