(Hong Kong) Grindie ★★★

Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hau Fook St, 7號


  • durian sorbet

2023-09-30 SAT

She just couldn't give up durian pudding.

During this trip, she's been obsessed with durian pudding all the time. We didn't have much plan before the party in the evening, so she began hunting the one she's been in the last time she visited HK.

I'll be just happy with these street food. There are millions of yummy ones here, but why durian pudding?!!

This is the only clue of the one but there was no such shop around the area. Probably it's been closed during the quarantine period.

She didn't give up and I had to hurry to this mall for nature' call.

A long queue to the Hashtag B. Seriously? It's HK, people!

I stopped by a shop to be ready for the life-time long hunting.

Korean stamina drink.

But I still wanted something HKy, even though I can buy them back in Korea.

She found a dessert cafe called Grindie as a substitute and I just walked around. We've been living together long enough to understand that I hate standing still. I like lying, sitting, walking, running, but definitely not waiting in a queue.

I always wondered how we call people living in HK, like New Yorkers. I just have used "HK people" but it seems that "Hongkonger" is an expression. Anyone can clarify?

I miss Synco!

Finally she's in.

They didn't serve durian pudding but sorbet instead.

Thanks God! She's finally found durian.

Order from mobile web.

Durian Sorbet 58

Yes, it's durian. I can smell it.

Herbal Soda Roselle 28

I was just happy with the current peace, didn't care about what to drink.

Probably she was not satisfied with the sorbet, so ordered another.

Egg White Almond Dessert Tea 43

back to Hong Kong (2023)


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[을지로3가] 곤지암할매소머리국밥 을지로3가점 ★★★

[양재시민의숲] 박실장 떡볶이 ★★

(세화) 청파식당횟집 ★★★★★