(Madrid) Parque del Retiro ★★★★★

Plaza de la Independencia, 7, 28001 Madrid, Spain

The park is big and full of things to enjoy. It is said that you need 3 hours to look around but you can just spend a full day if you have enough time.

2022-09-05 MON

Today, the only fixed schedule was Museum Reina  Sofia at 19:00 when it opens for free, so we decided to spend the time in the Parque del Retiro before that.

Small buildings with little balconies make somewhat exotic scene, at least to me.

The iconic giant wall of the Caixa Forum Madrid. 

The parque del Retrio is so hugh that it has many entrances. Our hotel is located in the south-west of the park, so we got in through the gate near the Real Jardin Botanico.

The first scene was not that impressive, but it was just very end of the huge park.

Parterre Garden

Great Pond of El Retiro

We have duck boats in my hometown, Chunchen, and they are better in that they have covered tops. Probably Europeans prefer these to enjoy the sunlights.

I sensed that someone was taking photo of us with an old-fashioned camera but just ignored her, because I thought that she'd want us to pay for it. However, she just gave this beautiful fake newspaper and went away. What a nice surprise.

You can buy water and drinks in small shops in the park but they are a little expensive, 3 euros for a big bottle.

Monument to Alfonso XII

A tree with a legend that I don't remember.

Velázquez Palace

Inside the palace, an exhibition was happening.

A queue of women to the ladies room and their partners

Palacio de Cristal

A must-see in the park.

Turtles enjoying sunlights.

The inside was being renovated, but you can still see through the glass wall.

Rose Garden

back to Madrid (2022)


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[을지로3가] 곤지암할매소머리국밥 을지로3가점 ★★★

[양재시민의숲] 박실장 떡볶이 ★★

(세화) 청파식당횟집 ★★★★★