(Phu Quoc) ChezRico Family Restaurant ★★★★★

Đường Lê Thúc Nha, Ông Lang, Phú Quốc, Kiên Giang, Vietnam 

  • Fine restaurnat with various attractive menu in a calm street

2013-11-23 THU

Even thoug I've said "lunch" in previous post, but it was more like "early brunch", and now we're looking for a restaurnt for our second brunch before check-in. 

My first choice was Eat, Pray, Love that reminded me of the film we've watched. However, the menu was not attractive to us, so we just stepped out. 

She just cannot pass by Mango.

This seemed fine.

I like outdoor tables.

Happy hour lunch combo menu.

I remember this and it always came with main dish. Was it another city in Vietnam?

Fresh juice Mango? 

Bivina Beer, Phu Quoc Beer (Can)

I've never heard of Bivina beer, but it is said to be the local beer here. So I mostly stick to Bivinia during our stay. Cheap and local, why not?

Stuff Squid w Pork 

I chose something not easy to find elsewhere. It tasted somewhat as expected but still good. 

This was good. A kind of fish soup but cannot find it on the menu. 

Complimentary appetizer. 

And shopping time for her.

back to Phu Quoc (2023)


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[을지로3가] 곤지암할매소머리국밥 을지로3가점 ★★★

[양재시민의숲] 박실장 떡볶이 ★★

(세화) 청파식당횟집 ★★★★★