(Phu Quoc) Camia Restaurant ★★★

Beach, Le Thuc Nha Street, Ông Lang, Ward, Kiên Giang 92000, Vietnam 

  • If you stay in Camia resort and don't want to walk out.

2023-11-27 MON

I mostly prefer cheap but still delicious food in local restaurants, but exceptinoally had lunch in the restaurant in our resort, to spend more time for the last day here.

The outdoor tables seemd nice but the sunlight was too strong.

Lychee Vodka Mojito 145
Stolichnaya vodka, lychee liqueur, mint leaves, lime juice, brown sugar, fresh lychee, tonic

Crab Asparagus Soup 180
Crab meat, asparagus, chicken egg, coriander & pepper
Sup thit ghe vai mang tay

She seemed happy more with the coconut shell.

Fried Eggs Noodle with Seafood or chicken or Beef 220
Eggs noodle, bak choy, carrot, garlic, green onions, pepper, with seafood or chicken or beef
My trung xao vai hai san hoac bo hoac ga va rau cu

Fresh Spring Rolls 150

I thought that only Koreans eat sesame leaves but probably I was wrong.

back to Phu Quoc (2023)


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[역삼] 창고43 강남점 ★★★★

[방배] 실내포차(방배버들골이야기) ★★★★

(학동) 통영다찌 ★★★★