(Birgu) Fort St. Angelo

Waterfront, Birgu, Malta 

2024-09-07 SAT

We've arrinved in Three Citeis by dghajsa.

I couldn't find many attractions in this area so just headed to the Fort St. Agnelo right away. 

We couldn't find the entrance, so we've just followed othere people, and encoutnered this place. What a spot to enjoy sunset!

Going through a broken wall. Probably I forgot to take photos behind the wall because I was surprised. There was swimming spot and dozens people were enjoying the sunset. Again, always wear suimsuit in Malta. However, there was no entrance either so we just came back. 

It turned out that there's the entrance before your reach the wall. 

I thought that I could see some of the forts without admssion, but the whole areas was a museum, just like Fort St Elmo. It seemd quite large and we didn't have much time left before the closing. 

There was an interesting restaurant or bar under the wall of the fort. Probably the restaurant named Terrone. We'll be back to you too a few years later.


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