Article by William

Hey Folks, My Dad Mauvais Lionel knew how to find the right words about the situation of Max, being convinced by the message, I allowed myself to translate it and to inspire me because it expresses perfectly what I think��
as a head of a dancing school, as an organizer responsible for events in France and in Canada, I should like to express a personal message to the swing community. I believe it is necessary to act regarding the current situation, all the more so because Max was hired as a professor in the school and at some events.
I would like to say that, personally, I have never witnessed or heard of such reprehensible behavior from Max. I would have acted to report and prevent that kind of situation. Any of my associates, members or volunteers of my school or events cannot tolerate or endorse such dealings within the swing community or anywhere else. Myself and all my teams are all deeply sorry to hear that.
On behalf of all my teams and on my own behalf, we address our unconditional support to all victims"


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