Article by Thomas

To the Swing Community, (I’m sorry for my english)
I’m terribly saddened by the situation and the unspeakable act revealed. Ruth Evelyn, I support you.
As being Max’s first teacher and a long time friend, I have been deeply seeking help to understand what happened and what I could have done better to not let this happen. To be truthful, I have always known that Max liked women and seduction, yet I never came to the conclusion that he was abusing women. I was more under the impression that he had a solid sex appeal. I must admit I suspected that Max behaved with a lot more respect in my presence.
I would like to be clear that I never was his confidant in these situations. He has acted and made decisions, and he deserves the consequences of those actions.
For my part, I definitely should have done better at calling him out on his questionable behavior, confronting him about rumors I had heard, and pushed him to be more respectful. I really wish I could have helped more and that I had the courage to be a better friend. I have failed terribly to live up to my own values.
My love goes directly to the survivors.
I am so sorry for what you are going through and I am sorry that I didn’t do much to protect you.
We are all responsible for the future of this community.


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