B&B 2015 - Balboa and Blues workshop review

Friday Blues

* Get Your Mojo Working (Part 1 - solo) - Adamo & Vicci
- basic
- shuffle basic (triple)
- shunt? shoulder > step
- low-down
- tail ?
- James Brown (cf> reverse)
- basic with swing
- camel walk (cf> fake)

* Get Your Mojo Working! (Part 2 - partnered) - Adamo & Vicci
- hold lower back, otherwise follower can't move

Saturday Blues

* The Power of the Body - Adamo & Vicci
- lead w/o arms
- pulse - every bit / everywhere / expand
comes from center
- follower-lag (delay)
- down for backward preparation

* Cool Move? - Bernard & Anne-Helene
- lift only lower arms
- center moves & foot just follows

* Blues as a Conversation - Adamo & Vicci
- lead - speed / direction
- lead - to lead / NOT to lead

* Musicality and Characterisation - Adamo & Vicci
- Delta Blues
- 1. use space / 2. size / 3. texture / 4. character
- Classic Female Blues: black comedians playing for white
- Big Band
- New Orleans: Jazz + Blues
- Chicago: from Delta
- Latin Blues
- Jump Blues
- Rhythm & Blues
- Rock & Roll

Sunday Balboa

* Dancing Balboa on the slow music / Slow Balboa (Part 1)
- pulse from upper body
- arm closed
- shoulder <> foot
left back on 3,7 right back on 1,5
- triple steps: 1 2 3&4 weight transfer / same position
- diagonal: 1 2 3&4 (front-right) 5 6 7&8 (back-left)
- 1 2 (repeat3&4) 5 6 7&8

* Getting some color on your slow balboa / Slow Balboa (Part 2)
- transition step > swing shoulder (left heel > toe > right toe > heel) > step forward
- lollies
- triple steps & pivot
- kick
- down the kicked step(R) > swing shoulder clockwise > counterclockwise
- do NOT lean forward
- can be applied to fast songs

* Art of Flicks
- kick vs. flicks
- out & in

* What is Challenge
- throw-out: 1~4(come around) > 5(send follower) > 6(away from follower)
- change position (travel) - linear
- lazy arm vs. short arm


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

[을지로3가] 곤지암할매소머리국밥 을지로3가점 ★★★

[양재시민의숲] 박실장 떡볶이 ★★

(세화) 청파식당횟집 ★★★★★