(Madrid) San Miguel Market ★★★★

Pl. de San Miguel, s/n, 28005 Madrid, Spain
Sunday~Thursday : 10AM~12AM
Friday~Saturday : 10AM~1AM

A food court rather than a traditional market. You can enjoy various tapas. In order to use the toilet, you should get a ticket after buying something or pay 0.5 EUR.


2022-09-06 TUE

If you walk a block from the Plaza Mayor to the west, the direction to the Royal Palace of Madrid, you can find the San Miguel Market on you left. It looks like a regular sized building but there's more space to the right.

It is full of my favorites such as smoked salmon and sardine. 

And Jamon!

It's not a traditional market, but there are still much to see and of course eat.

While buying a tapas, I asked where the toilet is, then the staff gave me this ticket. The toilet is underground and a lady checks this ticket. If you don't have it, you should pay 0.5 EUR.

These two small tapas cost 3.5 EUR. A little expensive but worth it.

back to Madrid (2022)


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(세화) 청파식당횟집 ★★★★★