(Catania) Trattoria Giglio Rosso ★★★

Via Sant'Anna, 19, 95127 Catania CT, Italy

  • An ok Sicilian restaurant in a quet small street. Wide selection of menu. The staff gave us a little pressure for order.

2024-09-13 FRI

Brunch with Sophia and Radiang.

A bit far from the Piazza del Duomo, in a quiet small street.

A few outdoor tables available.

They have a wide selection of menu. We usually go through every item, and it was a little annoying that the owner kept recommending. It almost felt like a hard sell.

Coperto (cover charge) 2 x4
Vino della casa (House wine) 1l. 8
Aqua (water) 2.5
Pepsi 33 3

House wine 1l. is only €8. Since 'casa' means 'house', Vino della casa is easy to understand.

Frutti di Mare (seafood) 18

Vongole 15

Arrosto Misto di Pesce (roasted mixed fish) 22

Tonno Arrosto (roasted tuna) 16 

Insalata di Polpo (octopus salad) 14 ???

I doubt that this is salad but it is the only item left from the bill.

Caponatina 6

Or is this?

"Sicilian Eggplant Caponatina (Caponata) is a marinated salad with olives, tomatoes, onions and a sweet-and-sour vibe! Make this refreshing vegan appetizer or side dish the day before serving to allow the flavors to develop."


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(세화) 청파식당횟집 ★★★★★