(Catania) Sicily Swing Fest ★★
- https://www.sicilyswingfest.it/
- 2024-09-12~14, Catania, Italy
- Lindy Hop, Balboa
2024-09-12 THU
Sicily Swing Fest
The opera house at night, on the way to LAND, where Sicily Swing Fest happened.
The idea of checking in with QR code instead of wrist band seems innovative but didn't work well. The staff didn't and couldn't check all the participants because they just kept coming in and out to use the bathroom outside or to have fresh air or smoke.
Sicily Swing Fest was an interesting event in that they balanced music for Lindy Hop and Balboa almost like 50:50. There were not many advanced dancers but it didn't bother much to enjoy as a lead. The atmosphere was not much welcoming but everyone at least smiled when I asked to dance. Also we've met one of our YouTube fans there.
- Sicily Swing Fest 2024 - PRE PARTY
- 9.30pm~01.30am
- Ticket: THURSDAY PRE-PARTY - €20.00
- Live: The Original Sicily Jass Band
- DJ Set: Easy Love – Claudia Tringali
2024-09-13 FRI
It was fun to suprise Steven by appearing on the dance floor out of nowhere, especially after I've asked him about this event half year ago back in Korea.
- Sicily Swing Fest 2024 - FRIDAY PARTY
- 22:30~03:00
- Ticket: PARTY PACK (Fri-Sat-Sun) 3 taster classes included - €105.00
- Live: Shirt Tail Stompers
- DJ Set: Easy Love – Duke Mc Vouty (Vinyl Records)
- Teachers Presentations
- Sicily Swing Fest 2024 - SATURDAY PARTY
- 21:30~03:30
- Ticket: PARTY PACK (Fri-Sat-Sun) 3 taster classes included - €105.00
- Live: Luca Filastro & Friends
- DJ Set: Claudia Tringali – Duke Mc Vouty (Vinyl Records)
- Teachers show
2024-09-15 SUN
- Sicily Swing Fest 2024 - SUNDAY PARTY
- 22:00~02:30
- Ticket: PARTY PACK (Fri-Sat-Sun) 3 taster classes included - €105.00
- Live: Luca Filastro & Friends
- DJ Set: Duke Mc Vouty (Vinyl Records)
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