(Catania) Scirocco Sicilian Fish Lab ★★★★

Piazza Alonzo di Benedetto, 7, 95121 Catania CT, Italy

  • chilling with beer and fried seafood on the moderately noisy street. I loved the atmosphere and the cone. Cartoccio Mare No Spin 8

2024-09-13 FRI

perfect with beer.

We didn't get hungry till the evening, but still needed to eat something light before the party. So I got out of the B&B to buy the fish lab from the famous Scirocco. 
  • fritture (https://www.wordsense.eu/fritture/)
    • fritture (Italian) 
      • Noun
        • fritture (fem.)
          1. Plural of frittura
    • frittura (Italian)
      • Origin & history
        • fritto + -ura, or possibly from a Vulgar Latin *frīctūra‎, from Latin frīctus‎. Compare French friture Romanian friptură, Spanish and Portuguese fritura. 
      • Noun
        • frittura (fem.) 
          1. frying 
          2. (foods) fried food 
            • frittura di pesce/verdure - fried fish/vegetables

I was waiting at the end of the long queue, but one of the staff told us that we can order this counter on the left end of the building. According to the sign, this must be only temporary when they have too many customers.

On the verge of the Piazza del Duomo, beer and fried seafood. 

Cartoccio Mare No Spin 8
Boneless Cone: Squid, Anchovies, Shrimps, catch of the day

When your order is ready, they yell out your name, walking around the tables. At first, I thought that €8 was overpriced, but the there were quite much conatained in the paper cone. 

2024-09-14 SAT

I visited with her this time. It was not as crowded as last night, probably because it's dinner time. I usded to carry the paper cone back to B&B, but it seemed that I can also ask them to put it in a box, seeing other customers.

There are several menus but most just eat the boneless cone.

Here's also servizo if you eat here, 1 probably for 1 menu or 1 table, regardless of number of customers.

Sicilian white wine 37CL. 9

The staff said that the half bottle is cheaper than two glasses, so we've changed our order so. However, if you drink excatly two glasses, it's still cheaper, 7. 

50 top Italy 2024 the best street food 2024


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