[Herrang] Herrang Dance Camp 2013 - Monday

2013-07-22 MON

Thai food truck in Herrang! Now the camp is perfect.
비교적 먹거리 초이스가 적은 캠프에 태국 음식 트럭이 생겼다. 소녀시대를 좋아하는 주인 아저씨도 베리 나이스. Folkets Hus 앞에도 트럭이 하나 생겼는데 춤추느라 바빠서 한번도 못먹어봄

Phad Thai 75.0

cooling down after African dance (?) class

My favorite was the one with a bobby doll in the tail. Whose was that?

vegetable tofu 75

Tonight's DJ. You can volunteer for DJ.

오늘 저녁은 cream pasta with mashed potato by Storm Jeon

Wake up around noon, eat late brunch watching classes, chat with new friends, forget about all the shit you left behind in another world. Life in Herrang.

We didn't take classes, so we mostly spent time cooking, eating, and practicing Big Apple

DJing in Herrang.

Do you?

Mark was a DJ coordinator, but I couldn't participate the first day's DJ meeting because of the flight, which was a mistake. I just DJed as usual mixing the old and new ones, but Mark just showed up and told me that we are supposed to play only the tunes from 30's and 40's because it is the one of the main goals of the camp to bring back the old spirits Even though I made a mistake, it was an interesting experience to DJ in an international event.

back to Herrang (2013)


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

[을지로3가] 곤지암할매소머리국밥 을지로3가점 ★★★

[양재시민의숲] 박실장 떡볶이 ★★

(세화) 청파식당횟집 ★★★★★