(Lisbon) Belém Tower ★★★★★

Av. Brasília, 1400-038 Lisboa, Portugal
Tuesday~Sunday 10AM–5:30PM / Monday Closed
etrance fee : 6 ERU

A tower standing in the sea that seems to have come for a fairy tale. The park on the way is also good to take a break.


2022-09-08 THU

Belem tower was built in the sea, so we walked a bit from the main street.

The marina seen from the Passadiço do Bom Sucesso - Belém.

It was also good for a break lying on the grass.

The entrance fee is 6 EUR, which is not expensive, but it seems much better to see from outside and didn't want to wait in the long queue.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

[을지로3가] 곤지암할매소머리국밥 을지로3가점 ★★★

[양재시민의숲] 박실장 떡볶이 ★★

(세화) 청파식당횟집 ★★★★★