(Lisbon) Solar Dos Bicos ★★★★

Lisboa, R. dos Bacalhoeiros 8A, 1100-070 Lisboa, Portugal


Delicate seafood with widely open outdoor tables. Good to enjoy nice sunlight in a quiet seaside area.

2022-09-07 WED

After checking in the hostel, we took 28E tram to the center, and had the first meal in Lisbon. I looked for a restaurant with outdoor tables so that we could feel the local atmosphere.

It seems like a single restaurant but actually two adjacent ones. Solar dos bicos is the right one, and we almost went to the next one due to the staff calling for customers.


It's hard to recognize but still an ocean view.

Soup of the day 4.0

Octopus A Lagareiro 18.4

This was obviously posted on Instagram.



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