(Lisbon) Miradouro da Senhora do Monte ★★★★★

Largo Monte, 1170-107 Lisboa, Portugal


The first and must-visit place in Lisbon where you can find what it's like.

2022-09-07 WED

After laste lunch at Solar Dos Bicos, it was a little late to look around the city. So I wanted to check out one place where I can see the most of the area.

There are many beautiful cities in Europe, but Lisbon is very unique in that most of city has been build on on elevated geography. It still connected with old maze-like small streets, and that's why tram is still the most convenient transport.

It's like Dubrovnik on a hill.

The most scenic view is occupied by this restaurant, but you don't really need to dine in here.

Because we still have much open space such as this plaza.

back to Lisbon (2022)


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[역삼] 창고43 강남점 ★★★★

[방배] 실내포차(방배버들골이야기) ★★★★

(학동) 통영다찌 ★★★★