(Berlin) Café Heider ★★

direkt am Nauener Tor, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 29, 14467 Potsdam, Germany

I asked for the bill but had to wait for more than 10 minutes. I pushed the call button on the table but no one showed up. I walked inside and asked if I can just pay here but they said no. So I waited again but no one showed up. I walked inside to check a few more times and finally found my server. The unfriendly staff didn't apologize or explained what happened.


2023-05-18 THU

We didn't have much time left before the party, so we just stopped by the Dutch Quarter for beer break.

Riding around itself was so fun.

Nauener Tor

The cafe on the left seemed not crowded and nice but no tables with shade. There were several cafes along the street, but didn't have many choices due to large number of tourists.

So we just took a table in this cafe.

No English menu but Google translator worked fine.

Potsdamer Stange FL 0.5l 6.0

local beer!

There was a street band playing swing jazz, which sounded quite good. I just wished that we also have those back in Seoul. After a set they walked around to collect tips and I happily added some.

I asked for the bill but had to wait for more than 10 minutes. I pushed the call button on the table but no one showed up. I walked inside and asked if I can just pay here but they said no. So I waited again but no one showed up. I walked inside to check a few more times and finally found my server. The unfriendly staff didn't apologize or explained what happened.

back to Potsdam (2023)


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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