[dance] swing dance guides for the visitors of Seoul

Welcome to the Lindy Hop heaven.

As you might already know, Seoul is one of only a few cities where you can enjoy swing dance literally every night, even having multiples choices of venues.

Here are steps for you to follow:

1. Find the best dance venues based on your itinerary. 

You can find information of where/when and my personal recommendation from the following links: map, schedule

2. Confirm if the venue is available on your dance night.

Even though the venues are supposed to open every week on the same day of a week, there can be special occasions such as graduation party, in which you can hardly enjoy social dancing. Check the availability from the local dancers, or just ask me via cjungpil@gmail.com or https://www.facebook.com/michellejpswing/

(* 11 May 2016, I just found out that facebook doesn't give an alert when a non-friend send a message, so please add me as a friend, or contact me via e-mail.)

3. Find routes to the venue

Most of the venues are located underground with small signs, sometimes only in Korean, so it is quite hard to find them. Prepare for the detailed map or find someone who can come with you.

(* 19 Nov 2016, In each marker of the map, there is YouTube link for "How to Find ..." videos by Anthony Johnson.)

4. Go to the venue

During the weekdays, the social dance will begin around 7:30 PM, however it will get crowded around 8:30 PM. On Weekends, the social will also begin around 7:30 PM, but there will be already dancers you can dance with, who just finished the classes before the social dance.

5. Pay the entrance fee

Pay the entrance fee when you get in the venue. The cost is between 5,000 and 9,000 KRW depending on the venue and the day of the week, unless it is a special occasion such as parties. There might be a sign saying how much it is, or you can just ask the person at the reception, "Ul-ma-e-yo?" They will give you a name-card sized coupon with which you can exchange a drink whenever you want during the night.

6. Enjoy the after-party (optional)

If you like after-party and hanging out with new friends having delicious food and drinks, Seoul is just a perfect place. There are tons of restaurants and bars that open 24 hours and even delivery food with various choices. Public transportation runs until late (around midnight), the taxi fair is reasonable compared to the other metro cities.

I hope you enjoy Seoul !



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