[London] Millennium Bridge ★★★★

영국 SE1 9JE London, 밀레니엄 교

2014-06-07 SAT

We were heading to the Tate Museum but when we arrived we were too tired to look inside. However, we could still enjoy the beautiful view form the Millennium Bridge.
원래는 테이트 뮤지엄을 가려고 했는데 이미 이동거리가 길어서 막상 도착했을 때는 박물관 하나를 더 보기에는 좀 피곤한 상태였다. 대신 가는 길에 밀레니엄 브릿지를 건너면서 멋진 풍경을 감상할 수 있었다.

The Millennium Bridge, officially known as the London Millennium Footbridge, is a steel suspension bridge for pedestrians crossing the River Thames in London, linking Bankside with the City of London. It is owned and maintained by Bridge House Estates, a charitable trust overseen by the City of London Corporation. Construction began in 1998, and it initially opened in June 2000.
Londoners nicknamed it the "Wobbly Bridge" after pedestrians experienced an alarming swaying motion on its opening day. The bridge was closed later that day and, after two days of limited access, it was closed again for almost two years so that modifications and repairs could be made to keep the bridge stable and stop the swaying motion. It reopened in February 2002.
The bridge is located between Southwark Bridge and Blackfriars Railway Bridge. Its southern end is near the Globe Theatre, the Bankside Gallery, and Tate Modern, while its northern end is next to the City of London School below St Paul's Cathedral. The bridge's alignment is such that a clear view (i.e. a "terminating vista") of St Paul's south façade is presented from across the river, framed by the bridge supports.

And we took a bus back to the hotel.
버스 타고 호텔로 복귀.

30 St Mary Axe
독특한 외관 때문에 시내 어디서도 눈의 띈다.

back to London (2014)


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