(Barcelona) epilogue 2022


2022-09-11 SUN

Our flight departs at 10:20, so we didn't have time for breakfast, which was included our reservation. Also, I thought that it'd be better to eat in the airport lounge. We took a taxi to the Pl. Catalunya, and took Aerobus A1 from there.

  • Aerobus A1 (05:35~01:05, every 10m)
    • Pl. Catalunya - Andana Central : 30m

Korean policy for Covid-19 had changed right before we leave Korea, so we didn't have to take the test before departure. However, there was a test center in the Barcelona airport and reservation was available.

  • 유전자 증폭 검출(NAATs, RT-PCR, LAMP, TMA, SDA, NEAR 등)에 기반한 검사. 또는, 전문가용 항원검사(RAT, Antigen, AG)도 인정 가능
    • PCR검사 등 유전자 증폭검출 검사 또는 전문가용 항원검사라도 검체 채취를 의료인 등 감독자없이 스스로 실시하는 경우는 인정 불가
    • ※ 항체(Antibody) 검사는 인정하지 않음
  • https://flycovidtestcenter.com/en/barcelona-t1/
    • You will find us in Terminal 1 of Barcelona-El Prat Airport Terminal T1| 3rd floor | Departures area
  • https://overseas.mofa.go.kr/fi-ko/brd/m_9610/view.do?seq=1347118
    • ○ (2022.5.23.~) 아래 2가지 중 1개 소지 필요
      • ① 출발일 0시 기준 48시간(2일) 이내 검사한 PCR음성확인서 또는
        • * (예시) ‘22.5.10. 10:00시 출발 시 ’22.5.8. 0시 이후 검사한 것으로 확인된 PCR음성확인서만 인정
      • ② 출발일 0시 기준 24시간(1일) 이내 검사한 전문가용 항원검사(RAT, Rapid Antigen Test) 음성확인서
        • * (예시) ‘22.5.23 10:00시 출발 시 ’22.5.22. 0시 이후 검사한 것으로 확인된 전문가용 항원검사(RAT) 음성확인서만 인정
        • ​※ 전문가용 항원검사: 의료기관(또는 방역당국)에서 검사한 항원검사로, RAT, AG, Antigen 인정(셀프테스트 불인정)
  • [질병관리청](한국 시간 기준) 9월 3일 0시 이후 대한민국 입국시 코로나19 음성확인서 제출 불필요(입국 전 코로나19 검사 의무 중단)
    • [질병관리청] 귀국 시 큐코드 웹사이트 https://cov19ent.kdca.go.kr 접속하여 검역정보를 사전에 입력해주시기 바랍니다.

There were many lounges in T1 but it was we too late after going through the passport control, where the passengers going to the Gate D and E for the non-Schongen countries, should pass. It was 9:15 when we arrived in the E area.

Good bye, Barcelona.

Our flight taking us back home.

So thirsty that I didn't care about the price that much. 3 EUR for a sports drink!

Flying to Abu Dhabi

  • 10:20~18:40 (6:20) BCN(T1) > (EY0050) > AUH(T3)

We had 3 hours 35 minutes until the next flight, so we moved to T1 for the Al Dhabi Lounge because there was no lounge in our T3.

  • The walk between the terminals will take about 15 minutes. There is no security check.

Flying to Seoul
  • 22:15~11:40 (8:25) AUH(T3) > (EY0856) > ICN (T1)

I preferred to take the metro from the airport because the limousine bus is too expensive. However, the credit card I've got issued for the Priority Pass also provided discount for the bus, making it quite reasonable price. You have to pay by cash to get the discount. Since the bus is not frequent, you may have to wait for a long time, but we were lucky to be in time, even after I came back from ATM to get cash for the ticket.

The End.

back to Barcelona (2022)


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