(Lisbon) Carmo Convent ★★★★★

Largo do Carmo, 1200-092 Lisboa, Portugal


A must-visit in Lisbon. Be there at least 30 minutes before sunset. Look around interesting collections in the museum and come out to enjoy the fantastic moment of dusk.

2022-09-09 FRI

For the last day in Lisbon, I just wanted to check out at least one must-visit place. The Carmo Convent was the absolutely perfect choice, especially when it was dusk.

There was a couple dancing in the street, probably Salsa. It must have been good collaboration if we could do something like taking videos together, but I just didn't want to bother them.

Another break at the Miradouro da Senhora do Monte.

Skateboarders were practicing and showing off their skills. It was interesting to see their rules such as you don't get in if there are other boarders or tourists. 

And we found another street dance performance on the way to the Carmo Convent.


A cat was greeting tourists.

The entrance fee is 5 EUR, which totally worth it, even when you just want to sit down in the fantastic half-torn building.

And enjoy this beautiful moment.

Feet of a mummy.

back to Lisbon (2022)


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