[Hong Kong] Mid-levels Escalator ★★★★

Connaught Road, Central and West Distict, Hong Kong, China

very Hong-Kong-y
If you have watched Hong Kong files such as Chungking Express, you've witnessed the exotic scenes this escalator make. Escalator is everywhere in the world but this one is very unique. It's in the center so you'd pass by here at some point anyway.

* 이전 게시물
2008.11.21 [Hong Kong] Central-Mid-Levels Escalators

2018. 1. 12. 금.

가장 홍콩적인 느낌이 나는 곳. 미드레벨 에스컬레이터.

출퇴근 시간대에 따라 방향이 바뀐다.

에스컬레이터 옆으로 보이는 건물들. 중경삼림으로 기억하는 그 장면.

Hong Kong (2018) 목록으로


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