(Phu Quoc) Bamboo Restaurant ★★★★★

Dinh Bà, Ông Lang, Phú Quốc, Kiên Giang, Vietnam


  • One of a few restaurant or cafe located on the beach. Need to travel far in the woods to get here, so daytime recommended. Interesting menus such as Fried pork roll leaf of lolot and Grilled scallops.

2023-11-25 SAT

There're not many restaurants in the area considering we're staying here almost for a week. So I've decided to travel a bit far to find something new.

It's a long way in the woods, even passing by some wild dogs barking at us. No way to follow this route at night. 

We've found some motorbikes parked on the hill and were relived that we're not lost.

There are a few tables also on the beach but no shades, except one surrounded by trees that was already taken by other customers.

This is the only restaurant or cafe located on the beach, probably because available locations are taken by giant resorts.

The restaurant seen from the beach side.

There was a massage booth, but no one was working. The restaurnat my run this too.

There is the Clean Sea Resort, right next to the restaurant.

The sign says something like you can go through this beach but are not allowed to stay unless you're the resort guest.

Saigon red beer 30

Fresh coconut 40

A doge was diggin. 

And he sat in it. 

And rolled.

As I showed my interest, they approached me.

Good dog!

So Quat nuong 110
Grilled scallops

This was so good!

Rau muong xao toi 60
Stir-fried morning glory with garlic

Glad to find Korean product. Probably some itmes are cheaper to import from Korea.

Cha la lot 100
Fried pork roll leaf of lolot

This was the best. Must-try.

My xao hai san 110
Stir-fried noodles with seafood

They brough a friend, so we shared some food.

The price is not cheap compared to the average price around here, but the quality was like fine dinings.

back to Phu Quoc (2023)


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[을지로3가] 곤지암할매소머리국밥 을지로3가점 ★★★

[양재시민의숲] 박실장 떡볶이 ★★

(세화) 청파식당횟집 ★★★★★