(Phu Quoc) Phu Quoc Night Market ★★★★★

54 Đường Nguyễn Trãi, Khu 1, Phú Quốc, Kiên Giang, Vietnam


  • Must visit if you like Aisan night markets. Shop, get massage, and enjoy cheap seafood.

2023-11-26 SUN

We love Asian night markets, so actually the reason we took a long morotrbike trip was to visit here. There are few places named similar on Google Map, but they're kind of connected to each other, so it doesn't matter where you start.

There are many spots you can park your motorbikes, but I just used a paid parking lot just to be sure.

It's a little early for now but will get crowded soon.

They 're selling the same peanut I've bouht at the King Kong Mart. The prices are not different much.

It is a little annoying that the staff keep asking to try peanuts whenever we passed by, which were a dozen times, but I felt ok since they're all sming and nice.

I've seen this restaurnat on the Google Map but the price was ridiculously high, considering how cheap and delicious the street food is around here.

The south eastern part of the street is more modern and well maintained, and also expensive.

Now it really feels like a night market.

back to Phu Quoc (2023)


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