(Valletta) Upper Barrakka ★★★★★

292 Triq Sant' Orsla, Il-Belt Valletta, Malta 

  • Must visit. Spectacular view to the Three Cities. You can watch the Saluting Battery from here without paying for entry. However, be there early enough before 12:00 or 16:00 to reserve the front row in crowd.

2024-09-07 SAT

Going to the Upper Barrakka to watch Saluting Battery.

It was around 11:30, so we walked to the Upper Barrakka to watch Saluting Battery at 12:00. It also happens at 16:00 but I wasn't sure where we'd be and it was just right time. Maybe I chose a wrong route but it was a long way uphill.

Live Jazz bar, saved for the next time.

The view!

The only palce you can watch the Three Cities across the harbour.

You need to pay for the entry to watch close.

It wasn't that expensive, but I thought that we can have better view from above.


back to Malta (2024.9)


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