(Valletta) Koccio ★★★

St. Lucia's Street, Il-Belt Valletta, Malta 

  • ok restaurnat in the middle of Valletta. not many options on the menu. The food was good buy didn't find it special.

2024-09-07 SAT

The first lunch in Malta. 

After spending a long time in Fort St Elmo, and we were so ready for lunch. I search for a route to one of the target restaurants, and ie led us this seaside road. So the first day, we've learned that we should wear swimming suit all the time in Malta, because swimming spots just show up out of nowhere. 

We'll be back a few years later. 

It turned out to be the same restaurant we've just passed by in the morning. 

I remembered those lemons on each table. 

We had no idea what to do with these lemons, and the staff brought a knife so that we can cut them and put on our dishes. 

Maltese wine!

Malta is an island so obviously there's a plenty of seafood, but doesn't have distingusiable recipe, besides they eat rabbits. So we just went for regular seafood cusines. 

Koccio Spritz 10
Elevating the effervescent blend with champagne, this rendition offers a luxurious twist to the familiar combination of Aperol, soda water, and a slice of orange. Immerse yourself in the heightened elegance of this refined spritz, ideal for celebrating special moments with a touch of sparkle.

Grilled Octopus / Tozzo 20
grilled octopus with extra virgin olive oil and Mediterranean spices, served with roasted potatoes. Also available in a sandwich version (Tozzo)

However tuna was mis-served while we've ordered salmon. Salmon was not available so she chose another fish and they took it back the disch to change.Koccio : 

The ocotpus was ok. The bread was crispy outside but the quantaty was too much for me. 

Carpaccio 20

back to Malta (2024.9)


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