(Berlin) Monsieur Vuong ★★★★

Alte Schönhauser Str. 46, 10119 Berlin, Germany 

As an Asian it's over-priced but the food was very good. You may wait to get in.

2023-05-16 TUE

We don't miss Korean food as much as other Koreans do, but she still needed warm soup as a kind of soul food especially when tired.

This Vietnamese restaurant is very popular but luckily we didn't have to wait that long to get in.

They only provide digital menu, which is good for many reasons such as less use of paper, but it was not easy to remember the names of Vietnamese food. 

So I screen-captured the menus that we'd order. 

Berlin Berg Pale Ale 3.6
Delicately and classically brewed, unfiltered craft beer from the heart of Berlin. Offering a hoppy and malty flavour just perfect in combination with our Vietnamese cuisine.

Goi Mekong Bo Glasnudlesalat 12.8
Spicy glass noodle salad with tender strips of Black Angus beef, roasted peanuts, fresh coriander and a ginger chilli dressing

Pho Bo 11.0
Home-made beef bouillon with fine strips of Black Angus beef, Banh Pho rice ribbon noodles and fresh Vietnamese herbs. Seasons with cinnamon, aniseed and coriander.

She asked for fish sauce and the staff brought the whole plate. Everything was neat and organized but this part made us worry about hygiene issues. 

Banh Cuon Tom 7.5
Two steamed rice paper rolls made of tender rice paper, deliciously filled with shrimp pate, Vietnamese mushrooms and fresh mint. Served with a lime-chili dressing.

This roll was really good but wouldn't order with this price unless we were travelling.

Everything was more expense in Berlin than Seoul but only beer was cheaper. This bottle only costed 1.7 EUR. Driking Berliner like a Berliner back in the hotel.

back to Berlin (2023)


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