(Berlin) Reichstag Building

Platz der Republik 1, 11011 Berlin, Germany 

2023-05-17 WED


For the last day in Berlin, we head and the Brandenburg Gate. Berlin is well-known city, but I didn't know what it has beside the Wall. I was so busy with work and when I finally had time to look into the Lonely Planet guide that I've bought a few weeks earlier, the Reichstag Building was the top in the list, and I've never heard of the name before. It said that early reservation is required to get to the top level, and obviously we were too late.

When we came out of the metro station, it was middle of nowhere, which was like Han river park.

It was nice walk along the river. 

Hopefully we'll be back later to visit the glass dome.

back to Berlin (2023)


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