(Vilnius) Narbutas business lounge ★★★★

Rodūnios kl. 10a, 02189 Vilnius, Lithuania 

Clean and spacious. The staff was so kind and helpful, and kept asking me if there is anything I needed. Besides no hot food, everything is perfect.

2023-05-15 MON 

We arrived in the airport too early so the airline counter was not open yet.

I've never seen Lime flavored coke so tried but there is a reason why you cannot see this often.

Check-in available 2 hours before departure.

Narbutas Business Lounge

Clean and spacious. The staff was so kind and helpful, and kept asking me if there is anything I needed. Besides no hot food, everything is perfect.

Instead the freezer is full of sandwiches and salads.

And beer of course.

  • 15th May Monday 19:55~20:35 (1:40) Ryanair 24B 15E

Seat selection is not free.

I traveled to many cities but it's not often that I have walk across the flying field to the airplane.

Her seat was at the front and mine was at the rear, so we separated from the lines. It's like a disaster movie where we run away from a bunch of zombies.

Some people still clap when the airplane lands safely.

back to Vilnius (2023)


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