(Berlin) royals & rice Berlin ★★★

Torstraße 164, 10115 Berlin, Germany


Food was good but over-priced, which is probably normal and not only for Asian visitors.

2023-05-16 TUE

Berlin is a city of night, but fine restaurants still don't open until noon. We picked a Vietnamese restaurant among the opens ones around our hotel.

There is a nice inner garden but we were in a kind of emergency since she was very hungry.

Newcastle Brown Ale 0.5l Glass 6.0
Ginger Lemonade? 0.3l 6.0

Crackling Roast Pork Belly Bowl 15.8
crispy viet, roast pork belly, rice noodles, salad, viet herbs, kimchi, lime-fish-sauce, 1 king roll

Udon Tofu Soup 13.0
udon noodles, tofu, pork, chives, chicken broth, roasted onions

Wan tan soup 6.5
wan tan chicken, shrimp. pork, chives, chicken broth, egg

Food was good but over-priced, which is probably normal and not only for Asian visitors.

back to Berlin (2023)


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