(Napoli) Bowl Napoli ★★★

Via Salvatore de Renzi, 8, 80138 Napoli NA, Italy 

  • wellness food. nice atmospher and staff. a bit overpriced.

2024-09-17 TUE

The first brunch in Napoli didn't go as expected.

The weather in Napoli was cloudy and rainy during our stay, but I just liked it that way. We've enjoyed more than enough sunlight in Malta and Catania, and somehow it seemed to match the Napolitano atmosphere.

An old building hidden in streets.

One of the smallest churches I've seen, seemed nice and cozy.

This is it. The phrase "love eat detox" seemed a bit suspicous though.

So it turned out to be a wellness restaurnat, which I don't desperately look for, especially when travelling.

At lesat they have wine, expensive.

Aloe Vera 3

Even the aloe juice was labed as 'wellness drink'.

Prosecco - Bicchieri 7

Salmon Bun front 10

I ordered salmon "bowl", but I've got salmon "bun". I didn't know I was making confused face, but the kind waiter was wondering what was wrong. It's ok. It was my pronunication which was wrong.

Divine Fish Bowl regular 14

I didn't expected this healthy food would be our first squared meal IN NAPOLI, but it is what it is.

It was not bad, but it seems overpriced.

There were a large group of people in a small alley near our B&B. It was the famous "Underground Napoli" that we'd visit later.


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