[Plovdiv] BLHC: Friday party
ul. "Ekzarh Yosif" 16, 4000 Tsentar, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
2019-10-04 FRI
She still had pain in her foot, so we looked for comfortable shoes. The owner was kind and helpful. The clothes in Bulgaria are a little expensive compared to other products, but we could buy some good shoes with reasonable prices.
그분 발이 아파서 좀 편한 신발을 구하려고 들어가 본 신발 가게. 주인 아저씨가 좀 츤데레인데 이것저것 잘 챙겨주셨다. 불가리아가 물가에 비해 옷은 비싼 편이던데 신발은 저렴하게 잘 구매했다. 나도 구두 한 벌 장만.
We stopped by a grocery store and bought some food for after-dance-snack.
식료품점이 있길래 들러서 파티 후 야식용 음식을 좀 샀다.
I cannot imagine how I could travel with Google dictionary.
구글 사진 번역 없었으면 어떻게 여행했나 몰라.
Based on the experience of yesterday, we arrived a little late but it was never late.
어제의 교훈으로 좀 늦게 도착했는데 여전히 늦게 도착한게 아니었네.
back to Plovdiv (2019)
2019-10-04 FRI
She still had pain in her foot, so we looked for comfortable shoes. The owner was kind and helpful. The clothes in Bulgaria are a little expensive compared to other products, but we could buy some good shoes with reasonable prices.
그분 발이 아파서 좀 편한 신발을 구하려고 들어가 본 신발 가게. 주인 아저씨가 좀 츤데레인데 이것저것 잘 챙겨주셨다. 불가리아가 물가에 비해 옷은 비싼 편이던데 신발은 저렴하게 잘 구매했다. 나도 구두 한 벌 장만.
We stopped by a grocery store and bought some food for after-dance-snack.
식료품점이 있길래 들러서 파티 후 야식용 음식을 좀 샀다.
I cannot imagine how I could travel with Google dictionary.
구글 사진 번역 없었으면 어떻게 여행했나 몰라.
Based on the experience of yesterday, we arrived a little late but it was never late.
어제의 교훈으로 좀 늦게 도착했는데 여전히 늦게 도착한게 아니었네.
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